1. 獨自在廚房工作時,保持零笑容,讓你面部肌肉完全放鬆。
2. 走出機艙前,按下制服上的「笑臉」按鈕。
3. 笑、笑、繼續微笑。如果你的笑臉開始消失,請再按下按鈕(有需要時可多次使用)
4. 若收到突然而來的投訴,請立即按下「道歉」按鈕。道歉、道歉、再道歉。(無論投訴有多無聊、無理或白痴,也請不要停、不要停)  
5. 當你準備好服務下一位乘客時,請再次按下「笑臉」按鈕。
An Instruction Manual: A Male FA's Uniform
The secret of the natural smile is in your hands
Clinically proven. In seven days, 97% of your passengers will no longer know how you feel deep down inside
1. Keep your poker face to relax your facial muscles completely at the gallery. 
2. The moment you step out of the cabin, press the Smiley Face button on your vest. 
3. Smile, smile and smile. If your smile starts to drop, press the button one more time (or more if needed). 
4. When a complaint is suddenly received, press the Apologetic Face button immediately and apologise (no matter how trivial, unreasonable or ridiculous the complaint is). Apologise, apologise and apologise. 
5. Press the Smiley Face button again when you are ready to serve another passenger.